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7 Magnesium Rich Foods That Keep Supplements Away

While many people’s concerns about their diet relate to a proper intake of calcium and protein, one of the key regulators of our bodies’ chemistry – magnesium – is the most often forgotten. The vegetarian diet tends to be high in calcium (from dairy, especially cheese) and low in magnesium (from whole grains, nuts, and legumes), although a varied diet assures that both magnesium and calcium are consumed in equal ratios. Magnesium is the king of the minerals in our body, being necessary for hundreds of its chemical reactions. It is involved in almost every ...

20 Great Books Homesteaders Should Absolutely Get Their Hands On

20 books to help you get started on the homesteading journey, is an invaluable collection that has been proven essential for our transition as homesteaders.

19 Angry Quotes Perfectly Describe You When Life Is KICKING YOUR BUTT

So you had a really, REALLY stressful day. You want to take a deep breath? Nah, you want to scream. Here's some angry quotes to help you do just that.

Bad Parenting – 65 Things Parents Don’t Want To Hear

Looking for a list of things parents don't want to hear? Here's the best list of unsolicited and bad parenting advice.

33 Of The Best Inspirational Quotes Ever

33 Of The Best Inspirational Quotes Ever

30+ Hilarious Craft Memes!

BEST funny CRAFT memes on everything from glitter to craft rooms to craft hoarding to shopping at the craft store and life as a crafter and maker!

Small Bathroom Ideas that will Make the Most of a Tiny Space

Big ideas for small bathrooms - from clever use of light to mirrors and space saving fittings - here's how to get the most out of your tiny bathroom.

Hilarious Photos That Perfectly Sum Up Parenting

Parents Share Hilarious Moments That Show The Good And Bad Sides Of Parenting

35 Times ‘Insane’ Parents Did Things That Were So Absurd, They Got Shamed Online

If you had strict parents, you're likely either a master at lying and sneaking out, or you've never broken a rule in your life. Can you relate to these extremely strict household rules?

49 Best Side Hustle Ideas that Can Make $100k+ Per Month

Learn how to start a side hustle that makes money from this list of over 49 different hand-picked side hustles to choose from

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